QuickBooks Web Connector Integration
GlobalCart is pleased to announce that GlobalCart merchants can now integrate their shopping carts with the QuickBooks Web Connector.
The QuickBooks Web Connector is a Windows-based software that enables GlobalCart to update your business and accounting data in QuickBooks automatically.
- Allows automatic or manual downloads of your product and transaction information
- Maintains a secure connection between the cart and your QuickBooks software
- Eliminates the need for double entry and errors caused by manual entry
- Automatically authenticates the customer
- Compatible with all versions of QuickBooks 2003 and newer
We are excited to make available these enhancements to the GlobalCart service, and we encourage all of our users to take advantage of this exciting new feature to eliminate the need for manual data entry into QuickBooks.
As always, GlobalCart brings you industry-leading features at a fantastic price. Don't pay $29/month or more to add a 3rd party feature like this. Take advantage of this great service from QuickBooks and GlobalCart for only $5 per month! Click here to add the QuickBooks Web Connector
GlobalCart offers a Full Upgrade Package for only $10 per month! With the upgrade, you can add QuickBooks compatibility and all of these valuable Extra Features.
- Unlimited Inventory Control
- Custom Layout (Header and Footer Customization)
- QuickBooks Web Connector and IIF File Import Feature
- Recurring Billing
- County/City Tax Calculations
- Unlimited Gift Certificates
- Unlimited Coupons
Click below to sign up for the Upgrade Package.